It is Make Your Voice Heard (MYVH) time! This is a student survey that Brady High School administers to our students. It has been given to Jeffco students for over a decade. It is a survey designed to promote engagement in school, improves the school learning environment, and combats problems such as bullying. Brady High School will be giving students the survey on January 14th, 2020.
MYVH gathers information on three key areas of engagement: social/emotional, behavioral, and cognitive. Engagement in school is critical to academic performance and interest in continued education.
Brady High School is interested in discovering students’ opinions of the: nature and quality of teacher feedback, rigor of classes, level of comfort and belonging at school, quality of their relationships with other students and staff, family support for learning, technology, healthy eating, and student interest areas. It has the same survey questions for all schools; schools do not add their own questions. You may review a paper copy of the survey items in Brady's main office or request an electronic copy by contacting Brady High School at [email protected] or 303-982-6722.
The results are compiled into aggregate level MYVH reports. These reports are used by district leaders and Brady High School staff to help maintain the positive aspects of our schools and to address individual student needs.
Your child does not have to take the survey. Students who participate only have to answer the questions they want to answer and they may stop taking it at any time.
It is Confidential. No students will be identified in any public reports or publications. The results will be made available for analysis only under strict confidentiality controls. Individual student data may be shared with school staff to provide instructional or school engagement supports.
The survey will be administered January 14th, 2020. It will take about 30 minutes.
If you do not want your child to participate, you may contact Mr. Troy Braley, Brady High School principal, at the email address or phone number above.