Dress Code Expectation
Purpose of this policy - This school-wide policy, procedures and practices will benefit the Brady Exploration School community by allowing for personal expression while maintaining a safe, respectful, and inclusive learning environment. This policy is meant to be equitable in regards to race, ethnicity, gender identity, religion, etc.
Dress Code
During the school day or at school sponsored activities students must dress in a way that promotes a safe, respectful, and inclusive learning environment. This means that:
- Tops must cover the chest and back from arm-pit to arm-pit, and cover the torso.
- Pants, shorts, dresses, and/or skirts must cover buttocks and not hang low enough to reveal underwear.
- No images or messages with overt, explicit profanity, sexual references, or reference to tobacco, drugs and alcohol.
- No overtly threatening/targeted weapons references or images.
- No showcasing gang affiliation.
- No images, symbols or messaging that are threatening, hateful or derogatory towards individuals or groups.
- To avoid injury and disease, shoes, boots, sandals, or other footwear must be worn (no socks or bare feet).
Accountability Measures
If a student is not meeting the dress code expectations, students will be addressed privately and provided options for meeting the expectations (eg: a change of clothes, call a guardian to bring some from home, turn a garment inside out, reminder to not wear that again.)
The dress code may change periodically in order to address:
New fads and styles.
Other issues that represent a distraction (or potential to distraction) to the educational process
Other issues that represent a safety (or the potential to be a safety) concern.
Additional dress code expectations may be required for specific classes due to safety (i.e. science, woodshop, etc.).